Saturday, October 31, 2009

The Family That Shakes Together....

The final piece to prepare the barn for winter was to finish the windows for above the barn doors. You may remember that Nick framed out the glass panels a while back, so we just needed to complete the actual install.

The only problem once the windows were installed (there is always ONE MORE thing) was what to do about the space to each side of the window. Plywood panels? That would be way too plain for our barn! That is when Nick came up with the idea that we could make our own cedar shakes and do shake panels on either side of the window.

Here is a shot of Nick surrounded by the cedar shakes we had axed off of our cedar log and applying them to the plywood:

Here are the finished panels:

Here is everything installed:

It is much warmer and a little dryer inside now, not that the animals have thanked us!


  1. Need a loft apartment inside the barn for Grandma and Grandpa.

  2. Looks amazing. Would love to experience winter out there. I will get my lotto tickets and try to win. I think the goats need stained glass windows.
