Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Can't Win 'Em All

We have been dealing with a VERY sick goat the past 48 hours. Our mama Pygora "Dolly" was her usual happy self Sunday and then Monday morning I awoke to her obviously suffering from a very intense bout of gastroenteritis. It was a big mess and she looked awful - droopy ears, staggering, glassy eyes. It was horrible! It is no secret that Nick and I are NOT goat experts. However, we do our best.

Our goat mentors had referred us to a great book of homeopathic remedies called The Complete Herbal Handbook For Farm and Stable and I remembered it recommended slippery elm for treating scours. I mixed it up according to the directions and administered it to Dolly orally using a turkey baster. Luckily she was too sick to put up much of a fight. Within a few hours she took a couple sips of water but no food.

This morning she was looking more alert and put up more of a fight when I had to give her the "medicine". And to our enormous relief she was eating this afternoon and looking almost 100% by the time I made it home. We are very thankful!

I had asked Nick to please keep me posted throughout the day as to how Dolly was doing. He sent me a text that she was eating mid morning and then late afternoon I got a really funny email. The subject said "you saved the goat but lost a dog. Then I opened it and there is no text but a pic attached entitled deaddog.jpg. I opened it.....

Hysterical! This is Craps passed out in the fall sunshine in the backyard! He was such a good dog - LOL.

(disclaimer - it is a weird shot and it looks like he has a huge deformed stomach but he does not it is actually his extremely large chicken chest)

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