Friday, November 27, 2009

The Aftermath

After a long Thanksgiving day of begging, being underfoot and passing from one chew toy to another the London Acres indoor animals are all pooped out!

What a life!

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving - Have A Little Pig!

Happy Thanksgiving everyone! Nick and I have been so blessed this year by so many and are truly thankful.

The T-Day chicken is in the crockpot and the gingerbread flavoring is in my coffee. What a wonderful day!

In case you are in need of something for that special someone check out Nick's adorable new pig piece on etsy:

Yes, it is a Truck inspired piece!

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What A Wonderful Day!

First off I want to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my wonderful husband! I received the best present today when I got to hear the baby's heartbeat for the first time. The nurse found it right away and it was 160bpm. I was so happy I cried! More wonderfulness to come I am sure!

Sunday, November 22, 2009


Yesterday was a wonderful whirlwind Saturday! I went out with a girlfriend for some bargain shopping (finally finished for Nick's Birthday) and sushi. We (I) ate soo much but it was too delicious to exercise any restraint! After our outing I headed home and rounded up Nick so we could go back to my friend's house to watch the Oregon Arizona game. I am by default a Oregon State fan (it was easier to stick with orange and black OSU-Oklahoma State, my alma mater) but as I now live in Oregon you have to stick by your home team. Again we (I) ate to excess - steaks, baked potatoes, chips and dip... and had a great time watching the game. The game was a real nail biter went into second overtime. Here is the ESPN recap if you are into that sort of thing. Now it all rides on Civil War for Oregon so watch out!!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Snow On The Valley

Our house is at a low enough elevation that we do not yet have snow in the front yard but from our kitchen window you can see it accumulating on the valley.

Here is the webcam from Ski Bowl which is about 15 mins from our house. Today is their first day open.

Timberline opened earlier and has a 60" base.

Nick has secured an interior painting job at SkiBowl next week with the added benefit of a season pass so he is super excited. He may even try to ski! I will be keeping the peanut warm by enjoying the hot cocoa from the lodge this season.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Let There Be Light

We are constantly fighting the ever diminishing daylight this winter so to get the chickens more light Nick put in yet another window. Our neighbor was kind enough to donate the window and Nick did a great job of getting it in. He also added more lights so it is really much brighter in the barn and the animals do seem to enjoy it.

Sunday, November 15, 2009


There was FINALLY a little sun yesterday so Nick and I got to spend some time with the outdoor critters.

Here is nick attempting to get his goats to dance:

Then, because we are just soooo mean, we decided it was time to cut of Dolly's forehead poof. It had really gotten quite long and was constantly getting debris caught in it and making it hard for her to see. She was not too happy about it but we did manage to cut it off. Here is Nick spinning the fiber by hand. Dolly has such beautiful B fiber that really spins easily even just by hand.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Rock Stack

Nick took some really nice pictures of his ceramic rock-stack for his Etsy site, thought I would share:

Kitty Surprise!

The other day I was busy putting away the laundry and I do remember thinking...that's weird I haven't seen Luke in a while. Luke is usually a pretty reliable cat, if it is chilly outside during the day he is on a bed pillow somewhere. I kept folding and began putting clothes away. As I opened the last drawer....

there he was! The funniest thing is that the drawer was COMPLETELY closed before I found him. There is a small open space in the closet beside the built in and I guess he managed to squeeze in somehow.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Just a quick post to let everyone know (in the spirit of Thanksgiving) that I am very thankful for my wonderfully handy husband. Yesterday the heater went out on my car (as I was driving to work). I was hopeful it was a fuse but after 15 minutes of futzing in the WalMart parking lot after work I was sad to discover this was not the case.

Nick lovingly let me drive his baby to work today so that he could take a look. He was able to figure out that it was the fan motor that was the problem. THEN he was able to repair it as well. Now he just needs to borrow my "monkey paws" when I get home to get it back ito place.

I never say it enough with the day to day stresses of life so here for everyone to see - I LOVE YOU and thank you very much for all you do (even when I forget to say it out loud). Thanks darlin'!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Too Beautiful To Not Share

After what seems like weeks of rain, it was so nice to see the sun in the sunrise this morning. From the back porch:

Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Really Good Excuse

I would like to apologize for my recent blog neglect. The problem is that well, I just haven't felt up to do much worth blogging about. And that is because I am PREGNANT!

How I found out is actually kind-of a funny story. Nick and I had been trying but were still early in the trying process. Who knew all that rhythm method stuff could be so complicated?! Hippies do it all the time, how could I find it so hard? After years on "the pill" I was still trying to figure out what my normal cycle may be so when fertility friend (thanks for the site recommendation V) told me I was late I wasn't very excited. Then I spoke with my best friend since middle school who couldn't believe I hadn't taken a test yet. I assured her it was just my crazy cycle and we moved on. Well ALL NIGHT all I could think of was what Gretchen had said. Finally a little after 5am I couldn't stand it. It took the test and it was IMMEDIATELY positive. I begin jumping up and down, run into the bedroom and wake Nick up with "we are having a baby". Of course his response is "are you sure" followed by "why did you take the test so early". Typical man.

So that was it. I did actually take another test and yep we are knocked up. Here I am on the phone with Gretchen documenting the positive test:

I am due June 9th and we are sooo very excited! I will keep you posted.