Monday, March 14, 2011

By Candlelight

Yesterday afternoon the London clan set out to run a few errands in town. We went to Goodwill to drop off a few items and peruse and then made our way to Fred Meyer. In Fred Meyer the lights were flickering. Odd, it wasn't even raining when we came in. Then we passed by the front doors and it looked like a HURRICANE outside. Sideways rain and the big evergreens bent nearly in half. Luckily Fred Meyer had back up power so we dawdled for a while and then left after things had quieted down. On the way home there was half a tree across highway 26 so traffic was snarled for miles. Apparently the top had broken off and hit a passing SUV on it's way down. Scary! We finally made it to Brightwood and there was a tree down across our road so we had to backtrack and approach from the opposite side. Luckily there was no damage to our home but the power was out. It stayed off until about 6 this morning so it was a long night with Stinky who misses his white noisy terribly!

Here are some pics of me and G holding down the fort as night approached:

What you can't see in these pics is that Gunnar has broken his third tooth! He has been a bit of a pill lately so it is nice to have something to blame it on:)

Also, hard to make out but Gunnar has his first pair of shoes that fit! His girlfriend Chella outgrew here lizard Robeez and not he gets his chance with them. They fit great and boy is he even quicker with those puppies on!

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