Sunday, February 13, 2011

In The Bag

A few weeks ago I was perusing a chicken magazine gifted to us by our neighbor when I stumbled across the coolest article. The article was a how to on making reusable totes from poly chicken feed bags. Luck would have it that our girls just went through another bag (even pink for breast cancer awareness) so I thought I would give it a try.

Let me preface this with the disclaimer that I do not sew. I wear heels to work because I am too lazy to try and hem my pants as well as too cheap to pay a professional to do it for me.

The article said it would take an hour. It took me a day. Not the most beautiful thing ever but it does appear functional and just from the experience I am sure the next one will be a little more clean.

I thought to take pics in progress a little late so here it is under construction:

The finished product:

Gunnar LOVES how it crinkles (the blur in the above picture is him making a go for it):


  1. I will have to buy one of your totes for my friend Ann Tomlins. She has chickens too. She calls them The Supremes. Also she is the fine Atrs director for Tulsa Public. Save me one for Ann

  2. Hey Kim,
    We went to an Art Festival today in Drumright Ok. Jo, Jeff's step sister had her paintings on display.
    She still wants instructions on your chicken feed bags. Do you still have copies of the instructions from your chicken magazine. If so she would like a copy. thanks
