Saturday, December 12, 2009

It's Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas!

I must admit that I am a big fan of the Christmas holiday traditions. The smell of those cinnamon pine cones in the store makes my heart flutter with excitement. So, although I am in the throes of a nasty cold Nick lovingly obliged to go get me a Christmas tree. Obviously living in NYC all those years we did not often have a tree and I had NEVER cut one down myself until last year.

We found a really nice tree farm outside of Sandy and cut down a very cute 5 footer. I find 5 feet to be the perfect height for all things wonderful.

Here I am trying to make it look like Nick made the pregnant woman cut the tree down:

Here he is actually doing all the work:

Note that he is unable to look at the camera as he is actually working!

There was one CRAZY looking tree that Nick really wanted us to bring home. On which protuberance do you put the star on this thing?

After much chainsawing and swearing Nick got the tree up for me. I put on all the lights and decorations:

I think it is a keeper!


  1. Beautiful tree and I bet the aroma is great!
    Enjoy... Mom and Dad

  2. Of course Nick wanted the weird tree! Hahaha No tree in Brooklyn for us this year, but going to MI soon to trees and sledding and WINTER! Can't wait!
