Sunday, December 2, 2012

Don't You Wish Your Vanagon Was Pimp Like Mine?

Last summer Nick and Ray outfitted the Vanagon with a custom cabinet in the back for storage and speakers.  Since then it has remained a bit, shall we say, unfinished.  Well, no more!  Last weekend we hit the sales at JoAnn's Fabrics and got some amazing deals.  Nick picked up some beautiful gray vinyl to cover the cabinets.  He was so inspired he built a table for the van and covered it as well as the cabinet and seat base.  It looks amazing!!

The table:

 The cabinet:
 Table in the "closed" position:
 New seat base:
 Table and bed out:
Nick's next Vanagon project is a biggie but top secret so stay tuned!

1 comment:

  1. We need to go for arise. I saw it yesterday, and it is quite a makeover.
