Monday, August 20, 2012


The biggest reason for the delay in posting lately is that we are in the midst of a very rough transition into a "big boy bed" for Gunnar.

A couple weeks ago Nick was rudely awakened by his toddler son breathing in his face on the edge of the bed. He had managed to slip out of bed without a sound to wake up papa for the day. After that crib ninja episode he seemed to have forgotten his escapades and we had no more escape attempts.

Until last week. I would put him in bed and he would promptly jump out of the crib, open the door and tear through the house. OH NO! I was really hoping he would sleep in his crib until he was, I don't know, 16.? Thankfully he gave in eventually and did sleep in his crib that night but that was it.

We couldn't risk him hurting himself so papa took the front off his crib the next day. And then the fun really began. I will spare you all the gory details but there was much middle of the night adventures, not a lot of sleep and much crying (mostly on my part).

 I am pleased to say that we seem to have hit rock bottom on Friday night with only 4 hours of non consecutive sleep being had by all. And of course I had to work the next day! We have stuck by our very tired guns and he has been going to bed with less fighting each night and sleeping a little more soundly each night.

He has a brand new puppy puppet waiting in the wings from Grammy for that first night he sleeps all the way through! I also have a sleep trainer on its way plus a ton of "my big boy bed" books from Amazon. Hey, I will try anything!!

 Here he is with his doggie in his bed. He does love it, just not so much to sleep in! Such a cutie, which is why we have not let the gypsies have him just yet.

Update! Last night G earned his doggy puppet. So proud!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man. Sleep deprivation is so hard. I'm looking forward to the day when my little L sleeps more than 3 hours at a time. But they're worth it, eh? G is so cute!
