Nick and I are rather infamous for our avoidance of doctor's offices. Annual exam - no thanks, how about one per decade? I KNOW that is not is not proper protocol but with the state of health insurance in this nation....don't get me started!
Any whoo...I DID go the the dermatologist yesterday. One of my girlfriends had a malignant mole removed from her leg earlier this summer and well, fear is a great motivator. Good news - clean bill of skin health. The doctor was a really nice guy with a great sense of humor (very important component of all my daily interactions). During the visit my phone rang. My phone does not have a vibrate mode (long story), instead it plays Safety Dance. So there I am getting my once over and suddenly safety dance starts to play. The doc laughed and correctly identified the tune! That soon led to a conversation of "kids these days" and all the eighties (bad) fashions cropping up at the mall. Stirrup pants - I have seen them..recently! Ugh - you would think they could learn from their elders! If I start seeing "mall bangs" I will know the apocalypse is near.
So I got a clear skin check and guess I am ready to go another thirty(ish) years until my next appointment. Here is a pic of my last birthday party - AT SKATELAND in case you were wondering how I roll.
P.S. - I won a free small soda for my performance of The Macarena on skates. Hey - maybe that will come back too!
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