Last winter I was home after a busy day, trying to fix dinner and Nick was driving me crazy! He was on the laptop at the kitchen table and kept pestering me to come look at some video. Finally I peered over his shoulder to watch this video:
I watched for a few moments and then realized - that is MY house and that is MY tree. I immediately ran to the front door, flipped on the porch light and sure enough, the huge fir in front of our house was on the ground. It was so dark that I hadn't noticed a thing as I whipped the Geo into the garage that night.
The tree had been dropping limbs like crazy and really crowing our cedar so I was glad it was down. The only problem was that it was down, but not gone. Since last winter that huge tree has been taking up a large portion of the plot next to our house. It has been impossible to mow all of the cleared area to that side of our house and it also blocked the spot we used to access the side portion of our property (the rest is too grown up to battle through).
Beggars cannot be choosers though and since our friend fell it for free and offered to move it at some point for free, we have waited. I had been hearing rumors that the skidder was making its was towards our house but by now I know better than to hold my breath. Thursday night Nick told me he had a surprise for me. When I came home I saw that the tree had been MOVED! The huge logs were by the driveway. Finally!
Then the kicker....the skidder punctured its gas tank and is crippled on my lawn. So now, instead of a big tree, we have a large skidder out front. Trust me, no one ever gets lost looking for our house!
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