Friday, September 11, 2009

The many faces of Truck

Truck (our French Bulldog) is a dog of may names: piggy, stink face, truckus buckus. He never really comes when you call him so his name is technically irrelevant. He lives for two things: cookies and booze. If you hold a cookie, you can call him whatever you like.

The other night Nick and I were hanging out with the pig in our bed and got some really great shots.

Here is the Truck SMILE:

Awh - a face only a mother can love.

Here is his ferocious face. If we are ever attacked by a large hand we are set. Truck will be on the case!


  1. Cute pictures of the pig.

    Anxiously awaiting Luke's profile.

  2. Can I give my human baby my beer backwash and mush their face?
