Sunday, November 8, 2009

A Really Good Excuse

I would like to apologize for my recent blog neglect. The problem is that well, I just haven't felt up to do much worth blogging about. And that is because I am PREGNANT!

How I found out is actually kind-of a funny story. Nick and I had been trying but were still early in the trying process. Who knew all that rhythm method stuff could be so complicated?! Hippies do it all the time, how could I find it so hard? After years on "the pill" I was still trying to figure out what my normal cycle may be so when fertility friend (thanks for the site recommendation V) told me I was late I wasn't very excited. Then I spoke with my best friend since middle school who couldn't believe I hadn't taken a test yet. I assured her it was just my crazy cycle and we moved on. Well ALL NIGHT all I could think of was what Gretchen had said. Finally a little after 5am I couldn't stand it. It took the test and it was IMMEDIATELY positive. I begin jumping up and down, run into the bedroom and wake Nick up with "we are having a baby". Of course his response is "are you sure" followed by "why did you take the test so early". Typical man.

So that was it. I did actually take another test and yep we are knocked up. Here I am on the phone with Gretchen documenting the positive test:

I am due June 9th and we are sooo very excited! I will keep you posted.


  1. CONGRATS!! That is a good excuse for not blogging.:)

  2. I already said congrats, but I suppose I should say it again! YAY! (can you send me Mack now?)

  3. Ma and Pa London are very happy for the two of you.
    You will be outstanding parents. Way to go!

  4. Gosh, I'm behind. Congratulations!!
