Sunday, November 22, 2009


Yesterday was a wonderful whirlwind Saturday! I went out with a girlfriend for some bargain shopping (finally finished for Nick's Birthday) and sushi. We (I) ate soo much but it was too delicious to exercise any restraint! After our outing I headed home and rounded up Nick so we could go back to my friend's house to watch the Oregon Arizona game. I am by default a Oregon State fan (it was easier to stick with orange and black OSU-Oklahoma State, my alma mater) but as I now live in Oregon you have to stick by your home team. Again we (I) ate to excess - steaks, baked potatoes, chips and dip... and had a great time watching the game. The game was a real nail biter went into second overtime. Here is the ESPN recap if you are into that sort of thing. Now it all rides on Civil War for Oregon so watch out!!!