Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Idle Hands

You may have noticed a theme when London Sr and London Jr get together, we get some projects DONE! This visit Nick and his dad are working on rebuilding our back porch portico. Here are the closest I have to "before" pictures:

The porch was framed out in 2X4s with plastic sheeting on top.  The wood was weakened and sagged each snowstorm while the plastic was punctured in so many places it was like a sprinkler obstacle course as you tried to get to the garage.

This is the beam that was broken last winter by a limb from the fir:

All removed and ready to start on the new footings:

All poured:
New boards on house to begin new construction.
We are using metal roofing this time which Nick will be picking up on Thursday.  Should be amazing!

Of course with all this renovating I had to move my lillies just as they had bloomed.  Hopefully they will thrive next year in their new spot. 
Tried to capture G's hand prints in the footings:

A big thank you to all the family who have pitched in to make this possible!! You are welcome to come enjoy any time!  More to come.

1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see the after photos! Love the little handprints.
