Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Extravaganza

Since Gunnar is a big boy we were able to really celebrate Easter this weekend. And boy we went all out.

Friday at daycare they had an egg hunt for the kids. Nick and G arrived in their usual leisurely fashion just as it was about to begin. Nick had to quickly toss his eggs into the mix so and then he got to help G hunt. Very fun and we got an egg filled with Play doh. Yay!

On Saturday we went to the Resort on the Mountain for their annual egg hunt. There were tons of people and eggs. Since he already had one hunt under his belt Gunnar did very well.

I think my favorite part of the hunt was all the picture taking (myself included obviously). In the age of the smart phone it was ridiculous how much coaxing and phone pic taking was going on.

After the hunt we wandered around and of course had to do some time with the Easter bunny. Gunnar was not about to get close!
The struggle:

The good as it gets pic:

Today Gunnar and I headed to church. He looked dashing in his Easter outfit. It was his first time to go to church and he was not a big fan of being left in nursery. But we both survived.

Last but not least, this afternoon we had lunch with our neighbors and friends across the street. The weather was so beautiful we all sat outside and snacked through an entire turkey and ham. And of course there was yet another Easter basket for G!

1 comment:

  1. Love the Easter bunny struggle pic - those bunny suits ARE pretty freaky though. I'm not sure I'd wanna get too close either. :)
