Monday, April 23, 2012

Tulip Fest

This weekend was beautiful and very fun filled for the whole family!

We started off with the Tulip Fest on Saturday. The festival was filled with gorgeous flowers, tractors and play things.

Gunnar's favorite was the hay slide tent. A genius idea of combining bales of hay with plastic drainage tubes for the kids to climb and slide on. Kind of like a kid sized hamster activity tank! Here is my favorite action shot:

And then the tractors. Are you sensing a theme on the blog yet?
These steam tractors were amazing:

And of course the John Deere:

And then to prove we really were in the middle of a million tulips:

On Sunday the beautiful weather continued so Nick and I headed up to Meadows for some spring skiing. It was so much fun and everyone was going crazy with the first spring weather - bikinis and bbq in the parking lot! I got one good pic on my phone that I will have to try and upload.

Today I took the day off so G and I hit the town. Grocery shopping, birthday present shopping and trips to both local parks before hitting Chella's birthday party. Needless to say G was quick to bed tonight.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Tractor Time!

It was a whirlwind week with me and little man holding down the fort while Nick was in Seattle visiting his family. The weather was gross on the two days I took off so we had to stick close but it was an absolutely beautiful weekend. G and I made it to the tractor show and had wonderful time. Complete toddler meltdown when we had to leave to go get Papa from the train station so you know it was true.

We started off slow with the balloon animal guy. G picked a blue dog:

Then the main attractions.
At tractor just his size:

Can you tell he is right at home on the big machines. This is how you make them go:

We also found time to visit the feed store cat, the chicks, turkeys, goat? and bunnies in the livestock shack. So much fun!

Grandma and Grandpa London are visiting for a while so I am sure we will have many more adventures in the following weeks!

Sunday, April 8, 2012


A couple parting shots...

Yep, it rocks when your papa is an artist:

Man at work!

Easter Extravaganza

Since Gunnar is a big boy we were able to really celebrate Easter this weekend. And boy we went all out.

Friday at daycare they had an egg hunt for the kids. Nick and G arrived in their usual leisurely fashion just as it was about to begin. Nick had to quickly toss his eggs into the mix so and then he got to help G hunt. Very fun and we got an egg filled with Play doh. Yay!

On Saturday we went to the Resort on the Mountain for their annual egg hunt. There were tons of people and eggs. Since he already had one hunt under his belt Gunnar did very well.

I think my favorite part of the hunt was all the picture taking (myself included obviously). In the age of the smart phone it was ridiculous how much coaxing and phone pic taking was going on.

After the hunt we wandered around and of course had to do some time with the Easter bunny. Gunnar was not about to get close!
The struggle:

The good as it gets pic:

Today Gunnar and I headed to church. He looked dashing in his Easter outfit. It was his first time to go to church and he was not a big fan of being left in nursery. But we both survived.

Last but not least, this afternoon we had lunch with our neighbors and friends across the street. The weather was so beautiful we all sat outside and snacked through an entire turkey and ham. And of course there was yet another Easter basket for G!