Gunnar has been on a no nap kick which of course means no blog posts. I tell myself I sill do it once he is in bed but that never seems to happen. He is blessing me with a few minutes right now so let's see how much I can catch ya'll up!
After all the flack G received from riding in the Barbie Jeep in Tulsa I was super stoked to find a John Deere ride on for him on Craigslist a few weeks ago. It was a super deal! When I first emailed about it the woman told me someone else had already called but she would let me know if they flaked out. Bummer! However, after the library that weekend I had a missed 503 call on my cell phone. When I called back it was the tractor lady. The original buyer didn't want to drive that far. So G and I loaded up, drove the 3 hour round trip and are now the proud owners of a pint sized tractor.
He is still a bit big for him but that is good since he is growing like a weed. A few shots of it in the house:
My nephew just got one of these and he loves it!!! G should be able to get a lot of use out of it. We saw a kid at the park with one recently too and he was about 4 years old and still loving it! I always forget to check on Craigs List for stuff like that. Good idea!