Friday, March 19, 2010

And in this corner at 28 weeks....

It is hard to believe that I have been pregnant for 7 months now! I am sure these final 3 will be gone before I know it.

My belly has definitely been on the grow. I am constantly snagging it on things now: trying to squeeze between the cars in the garage, leaning over the sink to wash my hands... All of my light colored sweaters have a belly grub line where I apparently am rubbing it on things all day long.

I had my glucose tolerance test yesterday so hopefully the results will be normal. That flat orange soda is DELICIOUS and I would not want to have to do the 3 hour repeat.

Here are some pics:


  1. Have you had complete strangers touching your belly?

  2. I am always looking for a good Buddah belly rub!
