Saturday, December 17, 2011

Just busy living it

It has been forever since I posted it seems!

We haven't been up to much, just caught up in living the dream I guess.

We had a great Holiday party with tons of friends and food. I cooked up the ham Nick won at the sausage making contest earlier this year. Add on some home made stuffing and it was a hit. Of COURSE my oven would decide to lose its mind and up itself 50 degrees so the ham was maybe...a little dry in spots but the platter was licked clean so I guess all was well.

Nick's cousin Jason and his girlfriend came bearing Gunnar's Christmas gift from their family so that kicked off the season just right. My girlfriend's older boys (Gunnar's favorite entertainment at the party) found the present and were sure to show Gunnar the present opening ropes. As you can see it was not forgotten. Here he is tearing into his third present so far this season. Thanks Phillips':

We were also able to attend a huge bash earlier this week with Gunnar's #1 girlfriend Chella's family. They closed down their restaurant in Welches and put on an amazing spread!

What else? We have all three been passing around a very nasty cold. Gunnar is asleep right now in a humidifier Vick's cloud trying to clear up a bit before another Holiday party this afternoon.

These past two weeks have been unusually dry and sunny. I had to pull the curtains when I put Gunnar down for his nap at 12:30! Bad for the ski resorts but awfully nice for our vitamin D starved souls.

Now some pics of us just hanging out:

Gunnar has really come into his reading genes lately. He went to the library this week with Nick and had a great time reading with a little girl he met there. I am eagerly waiting for him to be able to enjoy all my favorites - Harry Potter!

For all the Granpas reading this blog - his shirt says "Grandpas or bust!". Love you guys!

As with all 1.5 year olds each day is a whirlwind of ups and downs. I snapped this shot of G and his papa enjoying his favorite computer games after one particularly rough evening. You know the routine - I don't want to eat, you don't get to eat and throw in a good measure of crying to boot.

It is this redeeming sweetness that keeps us all going for sure!

Last but not least, the amazing clotheshorses of Brightwood in action. Apparently camo was the theme this day:

Hope all you "virtual" friends and family are doing well and will get a chance to unwind this Holiday Season.

Love you all!

The Londons