Saturday, November 27, 2010

Turkey Day Recap

We were very blessed to have a house full of friends and family this year! Here is a shot of the group polishing off the turkey, ham, green beans, salad, rolls, stuffing, mashed potatoes......
We put Gunnar in charge of the entertainment. Here he is teaching his aunt Shanna her colors in Spanish:
Checking the quality of Luke's fur:
Keeping grandpa off the slick streets:
After stuffing ourselves there was plenty of couch time:
And we even went for a quick hike around the property:
Nick's grandma was unable to make the trip but she was very much here in spirit! Darnelle made Bess's Pecan Tassies which have been immortalized in the home cooking with trisha yearwood cooking book. I am sure they would have been even more delicious with that little essence of Bess but Darnelle did a bang up job! They were the first to go!
I wish more family and friends could have made it out as well as we are so very thankful for all the loving souls in our lives!

Happy Half Birthday!

Yesterday Gunnar turned 6 months old! It is hard to believe that it has been half a year since we were at OHSU waiting to meet our baby boy.

Here we were then:

And now....

I thought time was flying before and now it seems absolutely out of control. By far the best Thanksgiving yet with us so grateful for our little boy.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Keeping warm

Winter has hit here on the mountain so we are doing a lot of playing by the fire these days.

Last weekend my girlfriend came over with her little girl who is 4 weeks older than Gunnar. Chella is always an amazing preview of the fun things we have in store as Gunnar grows. There was so much love that Truck felt the need to get in on the action:

Here is a shot of Mr Sunshine himself this morning:

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Mama Ninja

Maybe this is a had to be there story but I thought I would share anyways. Thursday night I had fallen asleep on the couch about 8:00 (yeah, that's how I roll). Nice and snug, fuzzy blanket, you get the picture. About an hour later my side of the story is that I heard Gunnar cry. I tossed off the blanket and bolted upright ready to run into his room (no I do not let me child cry but that could be a whole other post). Then I hear Nick laughing at me. Nick's side of the story is a bit different. He was watching t.v. while his beautiful wife (okay a I am taking a few liberties) dosed daintily at the other edge of the couch. Suddenly she tosses her blanket and bolts upright with a look of confusion on her face. There was a baby on the t.v. that was crying and she obviously thought it was Gunnar. He politely notifies his wife that the baby cry was coming from the t.v. and then she slugs him in the arm for no apparent reason.

Usually I can tell if it is Gunnar crying or not but from a dead sleep I was READY!

Saturday, November 6, 2010

In a Rut

We have enjoyed sharing our property with a few deer families. There is a mom and her son "Spike" plus another female who hangs out with them from time to time.

Yesterday Nick called me because there was a suitor on the scene:

He is an 8 point that we have named "Horney". Apparently he was putting on quite a show for the ladies!


Gunnar began his foray into eating things besides breast milk this week. He had some carrots which received a mixed reaction. Then I got him some oatmeal and that has been a big hit! He likes to be part of the family at dinner time: