Sunday, October 31, 2010

Go SpeedRacer

Gunnar decided to go as a race car driver today for Halloween:

We figure driving the Cub Cadet will be a great place to start!


PS - I was Jane Goodall this year.

Fantastic Fall

Friday was a BEAUTIFUL fall day here in Oregon. I was stuck inside at work but still managed to snap a few pics on the way home:

Man, Oregon is such an easy place to love!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Grammy Visit

Last week Grammy Janice paid a visit to London Acres. We had a blast! The nice weather disappeared as soon as she landed so we had to have our fun indoors but we definitely made do. We hung out by the fire, grocery shopped, cooked and of course played with Gunnar. Here are some shots from the visit:

Grammy and Gunnar
Me and Gunnar
Grammy, Gunnar and his newest giraffe
Since snow has fallen Nick decided it was time to harvest our mini watermelon from the green house. It was small but quite tasty. Not bad for a woodland watermelon!

Next month the London grandparents are coming out for birthdays and Thanksgiving which will be tons of fun!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Flying Saucers

Gunnar's "new" exersaucer arrived today and he LOVES it! His entertainment options were definitely in need of expansion.

Thanks Gretchen!

In other news we went to the doctor for a booster today and Gunnar weighed in at 12 pounds 10.4 ounces. Heavy weight!

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Wild Man

We have been really blessed by a beautiful, dry Fall this year in Oregon. Gunnar and I decided to get out and do a little hiking at Wildwood recreation area this morning. He loves the fact that he can look ahead in the Bjorn and was really great on the hike. He loves to be by the river and watch the rapids, touch the ferns and gaze up at those big trees we grow out here.

We even found our entrant for the next year's slug races at the Brightwood Tavern:

Looks like a winner to us!

Look Ma No Hands!

Being a new mom in 2010 means you have access to waaaay too much advice and information. I really do try to be a bare essentials kind of mama. I am able to grab the kid, burp cloth, diaper and be out of the house in under five minutes usually. Of course my bare essentials philosophy has been derailed a few times - no, I will not give up my wipe warmer or immersion blender!

The carriers is where I went a little overboard. I am the proud owner of a Moby, Bjorn, Ergo, hot sling and a Maya wrap. And yes, I have used them all in an attempt to be able to get anything done that requires two hands when Gunnar is fussy.

Nick has been a bit reluctant to see the carrier light. Not any more:

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Justin Bieber ain't got nothin' on this kid

Earlier this week Nick sent me an adorable text while I was at work of Gunnar all smiley waking up from a nap. I thought his hair looked a little wild in the picture but it was a text and hard to really see.

When I came home I was greeted by my baby with this do:

Here is the close up:

He looks like he just stepped off the set of Something About Mary! Hysterical!

You can get an excellent side view here as he re-reads his favorite farm book:

He must be gifted as he has developed a way to read with his mouth!

Grammy Janice will be here is less than 2 weeks!

Sunday, October 3, 2010


It is being predicted that we will be having a cooler and wetter winter than normal this year so the farm is busy getting ready! Nick has gotten the roof on the new wood shed and is busy using a borrowed wood splitter to break up all the wood from the recently fallen trees. I like to help with the stacking since I get to ride in the wagon as he drives around for another load!

Gunnar is finding his voice more and more. His latest favorite thing is to SQUEAL! He and I went to Portland yesterday to lunch with friends and he was giggly/squealy the whole time. Oh my - we may have a wild man on our hands!

This afternoon the neighbors are lighting their burn pile off so we are all invited for a weenie roast and smores fest. Should be fun.

Craigslist was been working hard for us this weekend. Nick had a couple come look at his Civic yesterday and someone is supposed to come look at the goats this afternoon. Now if someone would just want the boat! Maybe in the spring.

Just a few more weeks and my mom will be here for a short visit. I can't wait to see how surprised she will be by how much Gunnar has grown/changed!