Nick has been bugging for me a long time that I do not have a "hobby". As if chasing after all our animals, him and maintaining a living space in the wilderness does not qualify as a hobby! So...I have decided to start this blog. I remember when I was younger I really enjoyed writing and I hope that maybe this will be an outlet to re-ignite that passion while keeping up with friends and family along the way.
This blog will really just be the ramblings of our life in Brightwood OR as we enjoy our home and attempt to establish a somewhat sustainable life here in the beautiful North West.
Meet the actors:

Our Pygora kids - Reba (black one) and Loretta (white one). I realize I don't have any pics of their mama (Dolly) on this computer but promise to post her (and Luke the cat) soon.

Reba - the one with the pipes. Just like her namesake!

Some of the flock. We have 9 chickens total - Jersey Giants, New Hampshire Reds and Aracaunas.

Chickenhawk one of our Araucanas.

Cheeky Charlie one of the Aracauna ring leaders. Our favorite bird!

The boys: Mack, Truck and Scraps.

The farmers all dolled up for a friend's wedding a few weeks ago. The bride rode to the aisle in the Mustang - Awesome!
Gotta go pick some blackberries to whip up a cobbler for a friend's birthday!